Publish with us
Bring out the most out of yourself by publishing your projects, articles and blogs in our platform.
The payment (if it generates enough views) will be made based on the revenue your article(s) generate.
Mathematica-city is an open platform and a publisher. Anyone can write a piece on here as long as it’s not in violation of our rules, have the potential to find an audience. We celebrate diverse voices and believe that good stories can come from anywhere.
Guidelines for the authors:
To help you understand what we mean when we say “quality,” we’ve written up these guidelines. They are based on what we know works best for readers — which means they should work well for you, too.
- Write a clear headline. Readers have a split second to decide if they want to read your piece. Put a good, descriptive title and subtitle on your story. (Standard “headline” styling is title case for the headline and sentence case for the subtitle. This isn’t mandatory, but it’s ideal.)
- Clean it up. We all make mistakes, but do look out for typos and janky formatting. Put care into your work.
- Avoid CTAs. Readers tell us that they find repeated calls to action — to sign up for a newsletter, to clap — annoying. Consider eliminating CTAs altogether.
- Please don’t publish stories with the primary purpose of selling a product or a service. Readers can see through content marketing.
- There are a lot of places on the Internet for click-bait. Mathematica-city doesn’t want to be one of them.
- Put a nice image on your story .
- Finally, please don’t peddle pseudoscience or bad health advice. Life’s already too short to give people bad health advice.
In short, do your best work. People like to read things that are just good.
Note for the Authors who want to put Mathematical Equations:
Put your Equations in Latex format. [In short: $ “your text equation” $]
Or use picture format to upload the Equations.
Instructions for the authors:
- Follow the Rules of our platform
- You have to provide the link of your profile in one of the Social media platforms (LinkedIn preferred) in the Your URL Section :
- The post will be submitted for administrator approval after submission. Once approved it will be published in our site and the link of the post will be sent to you via the mail you used to write the post.
- You need to submit at least one image as the main image for the article.
If your article is customized and you are not able to write it here in the Text editor submit it via the below form: